
Hakel has developed a new insulation monitoring device. The HIG95-DELTA device is the leader in monitoring the insulation resistance of ungrounded single-phase IT power supply systems in healthcare. It controls the power supply in medical premises, which belong to group 2. These are the rooms, where power interruptions can endanger the patient, such as intensive care units, operating theaters. Our new product meets the conditions for use in ungrounded IT power supply systems in hospitals. The new model replaces the HIG95+ device. The difference from the previous model is that we have been able to significantly reduce its size and simultaneously extend its features.

This monitoring device can monitor the insulation resistance over a much wider range than before, now monitoring from 5 kΩ to 10 MΩ, which is more than sufficient with regards to the given fault limit of 50 kΩ. In the event of an insulation fault, resulting from a gradual degradation of the installation, it is possible to detect the fault well in advance.

The product has an integrated evaluation of the isolation transformer status. It monitors the current load by means of measuring transformers with a 5A standard industrial conversion. The temperature load control of the transformer is designed to connect up to three types of temperature sensors, which is not common elsewhere. One of the possibilities is the use of a resistance sensor, type PT100, thanks to which the temperature can be measured in Celsius degree.

The insulation monitoring device is equipped with a display showing the numerical value of the measured insulation resistance as well as the current and thermal load values of the isolation transformer. There are also control buttons for setting the parameters of the insulation monitoring device and signaling LED diodes for displaying the status of the monitored power supply system.

The pair of in-built signaling relays with switching contact allows remote signaling of insulation failure status of the monitored power supply system and transformer overload error. The product is designed for convenient mounting, connection and project engineering. The wide range of accessories is also available.