Power Quality

With extensive application of sensitive power electronic equipment and non-linear loads in industrial and commercial applications, the consequential problems that result are vast. Mun Hean subscribes to the 3P PQM strategy coined by Janitza electronics, in that a complete PQM solution should entail PQ Monitoring, Power Management and Power Quality Solutions.

Mun Hean ventured into an exclusive partnership with Germany’s PQM specialist, Janitza Electronics, in 2007, to provide one of the most sophisticated Power Monitoring Systems in Asia. This partnership resulted in several noteworthy Janitza Power Monitoring projects in Asia; including Gardens by the Bay (Singapore), NTU (Singapore), HSBC Data Centre (Hong Kong) and many more.

Power-factor correction is another specialised area that requires unique electrical engineering knowledge and experience. Although the design of PF solutions is based on the same theoretical concepts, the actual system design requires far more technical knowledge depending on the application. Such considerations include; voltage rating; the point of power distribution; nature of load and consideration of industry site and application, just to name a few.

In Power Quality Solutions, Mun Hean boasts an extensive range of expertise from Power Factor Correcting Solutions; Filter Reactors, Active Harmonic Filters to Static Var Generators. The products and services that Mun Hean offers are tied with exclusive partnerships with leading manufacturers internationally. Notably, Vishay ESTA, Sinexcel Active Harmonics Solutions and Hans Von Mangolt.